Earlier this week I exchanged a few tweets with @jonhtyler about coming up with a proper name for a PowerShell function he was developing. The suggested best practice is to use the Verb-Noun naming convention, using an accepted verb. You can see the verbs with the Get-Verb cmdlet. So I figured why not automate this a bit. After all, sometimes it can be tricky finding the proper verb. Sometimes it helps to actually see the name first. So I put together this simple function called Test-CommandName.
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Function Test-CommandName { #comment help is here Param( [Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="What is the noun for your command?")] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string]$Noun, [ValidateSet("All","Common","Data","Lifecycle","Diagnostic","Communications","Security","Other")] [string]$Category="All" ) if ($Category -eq "All") { #get all verb names and add to an array $verbs = Get-Verb | Select -ExpandProperty Verb } else { #get verbs that belong to the given category and add to an array of verb names $verbs = Get-Verb | Where {$_.Group -eq $Category} | Select -ExpandProperty Verb } foreach ($verb in $verbs) { <# go through each verb and display a string that represents a potential Verb-Noun name for your command #> "{0}-{1}" -f $verb,$noun } } #end Test-CommandName function
The function takes the noun you want to use as a parameter. By default, the function will combine it with all possible verbs and write a string with each file name to the pipeline. But you can specify a verb category if you want. Notice the use of the ValidateSet decorator. The rest of the code is commented and should be pretty easy to follow. But now I can do something like this:
PS C:\> Test-CommandName -Noun DataFile -Category Data Backup-DataFile Checkpoint-DataFile Compare-DataFile Compress-DataFile Convert-DataFile ConvertFrom-DataFile ConvertTo-DataFile Dismount-DataFile Edit-DataFile Expand-DataFile Export-DataFile Group-DataFile Import-DataFile Initialize-DataFile Limit-DataFile Merge-DataFile Mount-DataFile Out-DataFile Publish-DataFile Restore-DataFile Save-DataFile Sync-DataFile Unpublish-DataFile Update-DataFile
Just a little PowerShell Friday Fun, but maybe you'll pick up a tip or two. Download Test-CommandName and let me know what you think. The download version includes comment based help and should work in PowerShell v2 or v3.