I am very pleased to announce that my latest course from Trainsignal is now available. PowerShell v3 New Features is a course aimed at those of you who have experience with PowerShell v2. I wanted to create something that you could use as a jump-start into PowerShell v3 so the course focuses on what's new, different and exciting.
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As with my other PowerShell courses you can expect a lot of demos. Sure, I have slides because they make good references, but I think the best way to learn about these new features, such as scheduled jobs, is to see them in action. Here's a short list of what I cover:
- shell improvements
- the new ISE
- Scheduled jobs
- web cmdlets
- updateable help
- PowerShell workflows
- constrained endpoint configuration
While I developed this course with the assumption you have previous PowerShell experience, you could use it as a complete novice if you are willing to invest some time in reading help or have access to other reference material like PowerShell in Depth. But in any event, this course is not a complete language reference. I focused on the v3 elements I thought most IT Pros would want to take advantage of immediately.
I hope you find the course worth your investment of time and money.
If you come across any errors, bugs or problems, please report them to [email protected].