I know many of you follow what I do primarily because of my PowerShell work. But, as many of you undoubtedly know, I am more than just another pretty PowerShell face. I worked for a number of years as an infrastructure consultant for a few Microsoft Gold Partners. So I'd like to think I'm comfortable in getting around a number of environments and shops, many probably like yours. It is this experience that guides much of my professional work: helping IT Pros find ways to work smarter, more efficiently and get more done with less.
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So as part of this ongoing mission, I'm taking on a new gig that I wanted you to know about. You will see me doing much more in the near future as a technology evangelist for Netwrix. What this means exactly is still being sorted out but certainly you can expect to see me blog more about Netwrix products. I'm hoping to engage more with you on Google Plus and anything else I can think of.
When Netwrix approached me, I thought long and hard about this. I didn't want to be merely a paid mouthpiece like some late night infomercial. But Netwrix has a solid and award-winning product line of configuration auditing solutions. Their software is exactly the type of product that I believe many of my readers would benefit from, but may not know about.
I'm excited about working with Netwrix and opening up new doors for you as well. I think perhaps the biggest challenge we face as IT Pros is not knowing what we don't know. I want to help you know. If you are ready to get started right now, check out the new version of Netwrix Auditor. You can take an online test drive or request a free trial. And if you are an existing Netwrix customer, I hope you'll let me know about your experience.
Finally, this position doesn't mean the end of everything else I do. I am still independent and will be writing, training and speaking as I always have.
I’ve received a lot of positive responses to this but I think there is still a bit of a misunderstanding. To clarify, I have not taken on a new full-time job. I’m merely going to begin doing work for Netwrix as a technology evangelist on a recurring basis. I merely wanted to let people know so they would understand when they started seeing a lot of Netwrix related content from me. Just as you see my name associated with Petri, 4Sysops, MCPMag and Altaro, you’ll now see my name associated with Netwrix.