Yesterday I showed you a class-based PowerShell script. My intention was to have a little bit of fun and teach you the basics of using a class. But what I gave you was really just the first step. If you wanted to create an actual tool around a class, you will most likely want to…
Category: PowerShell
A Classy PowerShell Christmas
Well it’s that time of year again to have some holiday fun with PowerShell. This year I thought I’d give you a classy present. Or more accurately, a class-based PowerShell toy. Classes were introduced in PowerShell 5.0, primarily with DSC resources in mind, but you can use classes for all sorts of things.
IT/Dev Connections 2016 Demos
I had a great time in Las Vegas a few weeks ago presenting at IT/Dev Connections. If you attended one of my sessions, thanks for taking the time. I hope found it time well spent. I tend to offer more demo-intensive presentations with minimal PowerPoint, which no one has complained about yet! In some of…
Are You My Nano?
I’ve been diving a bit deeper into the Nano waters now that Windows Server 2016 is out the door. As I deployed a few servers I realized there was a potential long-term management issue. During the technical preview, Nano installations were recognized by their Tuva designation. But now, a Nano server is just another Windows…
Managing LMHosts with PowerShell
I’ve been in IT for a long time. It has been exciting to see how the industry has changed and how it as adapted to new technologies. Even so, I appreciate situations where sometimes the “old ways” are still the best ways. For example, we no longer really need the ancient lmhosts file to help…
Download your Ignite schedule with PowerShell
So I’m starting to get ready for Ignite next week. This year my attendance is down to a single day so I wanted to make sure I got the most out of it. I used the Scheduled Builder to pick some sessions to see on Tuesday. Once that was done I thought I’d export the…
Register Early for Live! 360 and Techmentor
A reminder for you that I’ll be speaking at Live! 360 Orlando, December 5-9. Surrounded by your fellow industry professionals, Live! 360 provides you with immediately usable training and education that will keep you relevant in the workforce. Plus you’ll have a lot of fun. I know Techmentor attendees who have come for years. I’ll…
Another PowerShell ToDo Tool
Recently a reader, Matt Penny, shared a tip in a comment on one of my articles. He had a short and simple PowerShell function that he used to insert ToDo commands into his Pester test scripts. Although you could easily use it for other PowerShell work. Of course, I am always on the look out…
Introducing a PowerShell To-Do Manager
I don’t know about you but I always have a PowerShell session open and find it easier to manage my day right from a prompt. I find ways to use PowerShell whenever I can. Recently I started a project to help me manage my work and of course I created it in PowerShell. I had…
Road Trips
It’s coming up on that time of year again when I hit the road for series of tech conferences. I try to speak at several so that you have options, assuming you have any interest in what I might be presenting. I realize there is some competition between conferences but personally I think it often…
Get Antivirus Product Status with PowerShell
I expect that most of you with enterprise-wide antivirus installations probably have vendor tools for managing all of your clients. If so, don’t go away just yet. Even though I’m going to demonstrate how to get antivirus product status with PowerShell, the scripting techniques might still be useful. Or you might learn a bit more…
Remote PowerShell ISE Connections in Action
I’ve written a few times about my PowerShell module that makes it easier to create remote tabs in the PowerShell ISE. The module, ISERemoteTab, is available in the PowerShell gallery. I’ve also created a short video that demonstrates how to use it, especially the WPF form. I have a few more ideas for this project…
Friday Fun: Timing is Everything
For today’s fun I want to introduce you to a PowerShell project I’ve been working on. As with many of these Friday Fun projects this is something that is hardly groundbreaking but it could be fun to use and hopefully serves an educational purpose. What I have is a module called MyTimer that contains several…
Compare PowerShell Modules
One of the attractive features in PowerShell v5 is PowerShellGet. This module includes commands which makes it easy to discover and install PowerShell modules from the Internet, or even your network. The modules are stored in online repositories. Microsoft maintains one called PSGallery. Typically you will use PowerShell commands to find and install modules. As…
Downloading Git Tips with PowerShell
So I’ve been sharing a number of PowerShell tools I’ve created for working with Git, including a few for getting tips from the Git Tips project on GitHub. My initial work was based on the fact that I had a local clone of that repository and wanted to search the local tips.json file. But I…