Recently I published a PowerShell function that I use to display a random Git Tip of the Day. The function relies on my clone of the Git-Tips project on GitHub. I’ve been keeping tabs on this project and a question was posed about creating a command line utility to search the tip list. Now, this…
Category: PowerShell
Creating Git Commit Messages with PowerShell
As part of my process of learning an using Git I am trying to get in the habit of using meaningful commit messages. Sure, you can get by with a single line comment which is fine when running git log –oneline. But you can use a multi-line commit message. However, this requires a little planning…
The CIM-ple way with PowerShell and Event Logs
I’m always on the lookout for new ways to do things. Often I’m trying to find a way to create something that is easy to use without requiring a lot of PowerShell scripting. I also like using the final result as teaching aids so even if you don’t need the end product, I hope you’ll…
Friday Fun: Git Tip of the Day
This year I’ve really taken to learning Git and how to incorporate it into my daily work routine. If nothing else this has been a great reminder about what it is like to learn something totally new and foreign. I’ve learned quite a bit, but am far from considering myself a master. Git is a…
Configuring the VSCode PowerShell Terminal
Yesterday I posted my experiences in setting up the latest build of VSCode on how to use a PowerShell terminal session. As I explained, in this particular session I didn’t want to run any profile scripts. My reasoning was that this session obviously wasn’t the ISE nor was I likely to use the session like…
PowerShell Sessions and VS Code
If you do any amount of PowerShell scripting you have most likely heard about Visual Studio Code. This is a free cross-platform light-weight editor from Microsoft. VS Code supports multiple languages and is extensible. I’ve tried different versions since it was first released but never found a reason to jump from the PowerShell ISE. For…
More Improvements to my Test-WSMan Replacement
Recently I shared a replacement function I wrote for Test-WSMan. That version addressed some of the shortcomings in the original command, at least for me. After using it for a bit I realized I wanted a few additional changes so I now have version 2. The new version now supports multiple computer names. I also…
Friday Fun: A Better Test-WsMan
I saw a question on Facebook about how to get Test-WsMan to return a simple Boolean result. The Test-Connection cmdlet has a -Quiet parameter that makes this possible. But Test-Wsman does not. Certainly, you could script a comparable outcome. Here’s one way:
Memory Reporting with PowerShell
I’ve started a new project and I’m hoping a few of you will give it a spin and let me know how it works for you. I’ve created a PowerShell module called MemoryTools that uses a few WMI classes and performance counters to provide insight into memory utilization and configuration on your servers. The module…
Finding Git Repositories with PowerShell
As part of my ongoing improvement process this year I am starting to use Git much more. Yesterday I posted an article with my PowerShell script to create a new project folder which includes creating a Git repository. My challenge has been that I don’t always remember what I have set up with Git and…
Creating New PowerShell Projects
I’ve been writing scripts since the early days of DOS batch files. Like many of you I simply stick them all in a folder and move on to the next project. Most of my work is just for me or writing projects so this methodology worked just fine for me. But I need to live…
Converting Text to HTML Revised
A few years ago I published a PowerShell function to convert text files into HTML listings. I thought it would be handy to convert scripts to HTML documents with line numbering and some formatting. Turns out someone actually used it! He had some questions about the function which led me to revisit it and realize…
PowerShell Toolmaking Dos and Don’ts
During the last Microsoft MVP Summit, Channel 9 invited MVPs into their studios to record short presentations on anything they wanted. This was too good a deal to pass on, so my friend Greg Shields and I jumped into the studio to talk about PowerShell Toolmaking. To be more accurate, Greg, who knows a little…
Creating Class Based PowerShell Tools Demos
During my recent trip to Sweden, I had an opportunity to do a presentation for the PowerShell User Group Sweden. It was a big turn out and I appreciate everyone who attended. My talk was on using the new class feature in PowerShell 5.0 to create new types of PowerShell tools. Classes were introduced to…
PowerShell and DevOps Summit 2016
Well another PowerShell Summit has come and gone. Although now we’re all grown up and are now the PowerShell and DevOps Global Summit. This year’s event was sold out and featured speakers from around the world as well as many people from Microsoft. In fact this is the only event where you can interact personally…