One slick trick you can do in PowerShell with text files that’s difficult to accomplish without extra tools is to display sections of text files without showing the entire file. When you use the Get-Content cmdlet, the resulting content is treated as an array of strings. This means you can simply specify the line you…
Category: PowerShell
PowerShell TFM back in stock
I’m a little late in posting this, but now has copies of Windows Powershell: TFM back in stock. I know SAPIEN Press is also working on getting the title available through Barnes & Noble and maybe a few other places. When I know of other places, I’ll be sure to let you know. I…
Lost in the Amazon
Still waiting for Amazon to realize they need to order more copies of Windows PowerShell:TFM. Now they state that the book is not available, where it use to say unavailable. What difference does that make? You still can’t order the book. The latest I’ve heard is that Amazon has not re-order and will not until…
PowerShell DBA
There is a very nice review of the new Powershell book at : I’m glad he likes the book, even though he doesn’t know who I am. But I’m working on it!! Anyway, the interesting point in his review is that he is looking at PowerShell from the perspective of a SQL DBA. In…
Windows PowerShell: TFM Out of stock
Amazon is again showing that Windows PowerShell: TFM is unavailable. Apparently they sold out of the initial order of books. Last I knew, SAPIEN Press was waiting for Amazon to place a re-order. Given the time it takes to ship books it could be a bit before Amazon gets re-stocked. If you can’t wait, remember…
Windows PowerShell: TFM Sample Scripts
If you have a copy of Windows PowerShell:TFM, you may want to get the sample scripts to test out. You can download a zip file of all the sample scripts from the book page at SAPIEN Press. Just scroll to the bottom of the page. You’ll also find a link to errata information. The book…
Powershell Parsing
In PowerShell, Get-WMIObject is a terrific cmdlet for remotely managing systems. If you have a text list of server or computer names, here’s a quick method you could enumerate that list and do something to each server. foreach ($server in (Get-Content s:\servers.txt)) {#skip blank lines if (($server).length -gt 0) { $server Get-WmiObject win32_operatingsystem -computer $server.Trim()}…
Powershell Help Examples
It may seem like a little thing, but the Get-Help cmdlet in PowerShell has some features you may not be aware of. I’m always using the -full parameter to see all the help information, primarily so I can see the examples. Well Get-Help has a -examples switch which won’t display syntax help, but it will…
PowerShell TFM in stock!!
Amazon finally has copies of Windows PowerShell:TFM in stock. The book now shows as available and shipping. I’m hoping it won’t take them long to get through the pre-order backlog. Right now they are offering it as a bundle with Bruce Payette’s soon-to-be-published PowerShell book. You might think it odd to buy two books on…
Windows PowerShell should be in stock
The information I have is that Amazon should get their first shipment of Windows PowerShell TFM books today. I believe their turnaround is 24-36 hours so if you pre-ordered through Amazon your book should be going out any day now. We’re excited and hope that once you start reading the book you’ll feel it was…
Froggy but functional
I’m back with something that could be mistaken as a voice. This has been the nasty cold bug I think I’ve ever dealt with. Don’t you hate coughing fits so strong you pull a back muscle? Still going through tissues, well….like tissues. But at least I’m functional.
I’m Speechless
I’ve been dealing with a nasty cold all week and the coughing has finally left me voiceless. If you try to call me on the phone I probably won’t answer because you won’t be able to hear me. Email is always the best. But thank goodness for 21st century pharmaceuticals!
Password Reset Manager 1.3
My first Mr.Roboto column for Redmond Magazine is now online. In the article I talk about my free password reset tool, PWDMan. I demo’ed it at Techmentor last fall and it seemed pretty popular. I’ve made some improvements since then such as adding Printing and Exporting capabilities. I’ve also added a logging feature so you…
PowerShell Training
I will be doing some 2 day PowerShell training courses this year around the country. Dallas, TXMay 14, 2007 to May 15, 2007 Atlanta, GAMay 17, 2007 to May 18, 2007 Omaha, NEJun 25, 2007 to Jun 26, 2007 Philadelphia, PAJun 28, 2007 to Jun 29, 2007 Chicago, ILAug 20, 2007 to Aug 21, 2007…
Windows PowerShell:TFM has left the building
Great News!! The PowerShell book has finally been printed. Books should begin arriving to our Napa warehouse this week. As soon as they arrive many will be shipped back out to Amazon so those orders can be filled. They usually notify you be email when your shipment goes out. If you ordered through ScriptingOutpost, those…