Over the years a number of people in the PowerShell community have shared Christmas and holiday related items. I've collected them and in some cases tweaked a little bit. This year I decided to wrap them all up in a module for you. This will work in PowerShell 2.0 and later.
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#requires -version 2.0 <# Christmas.psm1 A PowerShell module with a collection of holiday themed functions. **************************************************************** * DO NOT USE IN A PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT UNTIL YOU HAVE TESTED * * THOROUGHLY IN A LAB ENVIRONMENT. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. IF * * YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT THIS SCRIPT DOES OR HOW IT WORKS, * * DO NOT USE IT OUTSIDE OF A SECURE, TEST SETTING. * **************************************************************** #> Function Start-Jingle { Param ([switch]$FullSong) #The first number is the reciprocal of the duration and the rest is the #note and octave (which we use for getting the frequency). #For example, 4A4 is a quarter A note if ($fullSong) { $notes = write ` 4A4 4A4 2A4 4A4 4A4 2A4 4A4 4C4 4F3 8G3 1A4 ` 4Bb4 4Bb4 4Bb4 8Bb4 4Bb4 4A4 4A4 8A4 8A4 4A4 4G3 4G3 4A4 2G3 2C4 ` 4A4 4A4 2A4 4A4 4A4 2A4 4A4 4C4 4F3 4G3 1A4 4Bb4 4Bb4 4Bb4 4Bb4 ` 4Bb4 4A4 4A4 8A4 8A4 4C4 4C4 4Bb4 4G3 1F3 4C3 4A4 4G3 4F3 2C3 8C3 8C3 ` 4C3 4A4 4G3 4F3 1D3 4D3 4Bb4 4A4 4G3 '1E3' 4C4 4C4 4Bb4 4G3 ` 1A4 4C3 4A4 4G3 4F3 1C3 4C3 4A4 4G3 4F3 1D3 ` 4D3 4Bb3 4A4 4G3 4C4 4C4 4C4 8C4 8C4 4D4 4C4 4Bb4 4G3 4F3 2C4 4A4 4A4 2A4 ` 4A4 4A4 2A4 4A4 4C4 4C3 8G3 1A4 4Bb4 4Bb4 4Bb4 8Bb4 4Bb4 4A4 4A4 8A4 8A4 ` 4A4 4G3 4G3 4A4 2G3 2C4 4A4 4A4 2A4 4A4 4A4 2A4 4A4 4C4 4F3 8G3 ` 1A4 4Bb4 4Bb4 4Bb4 4Bb4 4Bb4 4A4 4A4 8A4 8A4 4C4 4C4 4Bb4 4G3 1F3 } else { #first verse only $notes = write 4A4 4A4 2A4 4A4 4A4 2A4 4A4 4C4 4F3 8G3 1A4 ` 4Bb4 4Bb4 4Bb4 8Bb4 4Bb4 4A4 4A4 8A4 8A4 4A4 4G3 4G3 4A4 2G3 2C4 ` 4A4 4A4 2A4 4A4 4A4 2A4 4A4 4C4 4F3 4G3 1A4 4Bb4 4Bb4 4Bb4 4Bb4 ` 4Bb4 4A4 4A4 8A4 8A4 4C4 4C4 4Bb4 4G3 1F3 } function Play([int] $freq, [int] $duration) { [console]::Beep($freq, $duration); } # # Note is given by fn=f0 * (a)^n # a is the twelth root of 2 # n is the number of half steps from f0, positive or negative. # f0 used here is A4 at 440 Hz # $f0 = 440; $a = [math]::pow(2,(1/12)); # Twelth root of 2 function GetNoteFreq([string]$note) { # n is the number of half steps from the fixed note. $note -match '([A-G#]{1,2})(\d+)' | out-null $octave = ([int] $matches[2]) - 4; $n = $octave * 12 + ( GetHalfStepsFromA $matches[1] ); $freq = $f0 * [math]::Pow($a, $n); return $freq; } function GetHalfStepsFromA([string] $note) { switch($note) { 'A' { 0 } 'A#' { 1 } 'Bb' { 1 } 'B' { 2 } 'C' { 3 } 'C#' { 4 } 'Db' { 4 } 'D' { 5 } 'D#' { 6 } 'Eb' { 6 } 'E' { 7 } 'F' { 8 } 'F#' { 9 } 'Gb' { 9 } 'G' { 10 } 'G#' { 11 } 'Ab' { 11 } } } $StandardDuration = 1000; foreach($note in $notes) { $note -match '(\d)(.+)' | out-null $duration = $StandardDuration / ([int] $matches[1]); $playNote = $matches[2]; $freq = GetNoteFreq $playNote; #write-host $playNote $freq $duration; Play $freq $duration start-sleep -milli 50 } } #end Start-Jingle Function New-Tree { Param([string]$Caption="Happy Holidays from PowerShell") cls write-host "`n" $Peek = " ^ " $tree = "/|\" $i = 20 $pos = $host.ui.rawui.CursorPosition write-host -fore 'Red' ($peek.PadLeft($i -1).PadRight(36) * 2) write-host -fore 'green' ($tree.PadLeft($i -1).PadRight(36) * 2) 1..16 |% { $tree = $tree -replace "/(.*)\\",'//$1\\' write-host -fore 'green' ($tree.PadLeft($i).PadRight(36) * 2) $i++ } write-host -fore 'green' ("|||".PadLeft(19).PadRight(36) *2 ) write-host -fore 'green' ("|||".PadLeft(19).PadRight(36) *2) $rect = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.Rectangle $rect.top = $pos.y $rect.Right = 70 $rect.Bottom = $pos.y + 19 $buffer = $host.ui.rawui.getbuffercontents($rect) $R = New-Object system.random $ball = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.BufferCell $ball.Character = '@' $ball.backgroundColor = $host.ui.rawui.BackgroundColor 1..120 |% { sleep -m 120 $rx = $r.Next(19) $ry = $r.Next(70) $ball.ForegroundColor = $r.next(16) if ($buffer[$rx,$ry].Character -eq '/') {$buffer[$rx,$ry] = $ball} if ($buffer[$rx,$ry].Character -eq '\') {$buffer[$rx,$ry] = $ball} $host.ui.rawui.SetBufferContents($pos,$buffer) } Write-Host "`n$([char]14) **$Caption** $([char]14) `n" -ForegroundColor Red } #end New-Tree Function Get-Greeting { cls $XmasMsg = @" .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:. . * . . /.\ Merry Christmas . . /..'\ from all of us . . /'.'\ in PowerShell . . /.''.'\ . . /.'.'.\ . . /'.''.'.\ . . ^^^[_]^^^ . . . . . . . .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:. "@ Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green $XmasMsg Start-Sleep 5 $Msg1 = @" _... o_.-"` `\ .--. _ `'-._.-'""-; _ .' \`_\_ {_.-a"a-} _ / \ _/ .-' '. {c-._o_.){\|` | (@`-._ / \{ ^ } \\ _/ `~\ '-._ /'. } \} .-. |>:< '-.__/ '._,} \_/ / ()) | >:< `'---. ____'-.|(`"` \ >:< \\_\\_\ | ; \ \\-{}-\/ \ \ '._\\' /) '. /( `-._ _____ _ _____ __.'\ \ / \ / \ / \ \ \ _.'/^\'._.'/^\'._.'/^\'.__) \ ,==' `---` '---' '---' ) `"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""` "@ $msg2 = @" ___ /` `'. / _..---; | /__..._/ .--.-. |.' e e | ___\_|/____ (_)'--.o.--| | | | .-( `-' = `-|____| |____| / ( |____ ____| | ( |_ | | __| | '-.--';/'/__ | | ( `| | '. \ )"";--`\ / \ ; |--' `;.-' |`-.__ ..-'--'`;..--'` "@ $msg3 = @" * , _/^\_ < > * /.-.\ * * `/&\` * ,@.*;@, /_o.I %_\ * * (`'--:o(_@; /`;--.,__ `') * ;@`o % O,*`'`&\ * (`'--)_@ ;o %'()\ * /`;--._`''--._O'@; /&*,()~o`;-.,_ `""`) * /`,@ ;+& () o*`;-';\ (`""--.,_0 +% @' &()\ /-.,_ ``''--....-'`) * * /@%;o`:;'--,.__ __.'\ ;*,&(); @ % &^;~`"`o;@(); * /(); o^~; & ().o@*&`;&%O\ `"="==""==,,,.,="=="==="` __.----.(\-''#####---...___...-----._ '` \)_`"""""` .--' ') o( )_-\ `"""` ` "@ $msg4 = @" .--------. * . |________| . * | __|/\ * .-'======\_\o/. /___________<>__\ |||||| / (o) (o) \ |||||| | _ O _ | . . |||||| | (_) (_) | |||||| \ '---' / * \====/ [~~~~~~~~~] \\// _/~||~`|~~~~~\_ _||-'`/ || | \`'-._ * * .-` )| ; || |) ; '. / `--.| || | | `\ | \ |||||) |-, \ . \ .; _ ; |_, | `'''||` ,\ (_) /, `.__/ ||.` '. .' `. * * || ` ' ' ` \ || ; . * || | . || | * || | .__.-""-.__.-"""|| ;.-"""-.__.-""-.__. || / ||'. .' || '-._ _ _ _ _.-' `""` "@ $msg5 = @" _ .-(_) / _/ .-' \ / '. ,-~--~-~-~-~-, {__.._...__..._} ,888, ,888, /\##" 6 6 "##/\ ,88' `88, ,88' '88,__ |(\` (__) `/)| __,88' `88 ,88' .8(_ \_____\_ '----' _/_____/ _)8. 8' 88 (___)\ \ '-.__ __.-' / /(___) 88 (___)88 | '--' | 88(___) 8' (__)88,___/ \___,88(__) __`88,_/__________________\_,88`__ / `88, |88| ,88' \ / `88, |88| ,88' \ /____________`88,_\88/_,88`____________\ /88888888888888888;8888;88888888888888888\ /^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^`/88\\^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\ / |88| \============, \ /_ __ __ __ _ __ |88|_|^ MERRY | _ ___\ |;:. |88| | CHRISTMAS! | | |;;:. |88| '============' | |;;:. |88| | |::. |88| | |;;:' |88| | |:;, |88| | '---------------------""""---------------------' "@ For($i = 1; $i -le 5; $i++) { If([bool]!($i%2)) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green (Get-Content Variable:msg$i) } else { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red (Get-Content Variable:msg$i) } Start-Sleep -Seconds 3 } #for } #end Get-Greeting Function Get-Holiday { #get start-jingle script block $sb = (dir function:start-jingle).scriptblock start-job -ScriptBlock $sb -Name JingleJob | out-null start-sleep -Seconds 2 New-Tree Wait-Job -Name JingleJob | Remove-Job } #end Get-Holiday Function Prompt { $today = Get-Date #test if today is Christmas if ($today.Month -eq 12 -AND $today.day -eq 25) { $text = "Merry Christmas!" } else { $currYr = $Today.Year $xmas = [datetime]"12/25/$currYr" #test if Christmas has passed for this year. if ($today -gt $xmas) { $xmas = $xmas.AddYears(1) } $tspan = ($xmas-$today).ToString() #strip off ms $time=$tspan.substring(0,$tspan.LastIndexOf(".")) $text="[**~Christmas in $($time)~**]" } #write each character in a different color $text.tocharArray() | foreach { if ((Get-Random -min 1 -max 10) -gt 5) { $color="RED" } else { $color="GREEN" } write-host $_ -nonewline -foregroundcolor $color } Write (" PS " + (Get-Location) + "> ") } #end function Export-ModuleMember -function Start-Jingle,New-Tree,Get-Greeting,Get-Holiday,Prompt
As you look through the functions you can probably figure out what some of these functions do, but I don't want to spoil the surprise. But here's an example.
Grab a copy of the module and look at the commands within it.
get-command -module Christmas
Don't need to run Prompt because it automatically will run when you load the module. Note that if you remove the module you won't get your old prompt back. Simply restart PowerShell.
Hoping you have a happy and healthy holiday and a fantastic New Year.