Well another PowerShell Summit has come and gone. Although now we're all grown up and are now the PowerShell and DevOps Global Summit. This year's event was sold out and featured speakers from around the world as well as many people from Microsoft. In fact this is the only event where you can interact personally with members of the PowerShell and Windows Server product teams as well as get sneak peeks about what is coming. Even though most of the sessions were recorded and will eventually be made publicly available, not everything was recorded and of course you can't capture the one-on-one nature of the event.
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I enjoyed meeting old friends and making some new ones. I sat in on some very interesting sessions and have a number of new things to try out and play with if I ever get a bit of spare time.
I presented a 2 hour session that centered on how I rapidly build new PowerShell tools from existing commands. I received some terrific feedback and the session went well. I never know if what I'm presenting is what people are expecting or at the level they need but I think this session went well. The session was recorded and as far as I know eventually it will be posted online. I'll share that information when it happens. In the meantime, I've assembled all of my demos into a zip file which you can download from here.
Next year's event will be back in Bellevue, Washington most likely in April 2017. Don't wait to register when you see it open. A call for sessions will open up probably in the August-September time frame.
If you attended this year, I'd love to know what you thought, what you took away and what you think would make it an even more awesome event.
Is there any recording available ?
Check out the meetings YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/powershellorg