Maybe it's my liberal arts background but I love words and word games. I have a constant pile of crosswords and enjoy tormenting my kids (and wife) with puns. I am also fascinated with word hacks like palindromes and anagrams. An anagram is where you take a word like 'pot' and rearrange the letters to spell another word like 'opt' or 'top'. Short words are easy to do in your head. So I thought why not get PowerShell to do some of the letter crunching for me.
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Remember, the purpose of these articles is not the end result but the process and the techniques. Let's start with a word.
$w = "angle"
I know that this word should match some of the words in this list.
#should match Angle,glean, and genal $l = "Angle","aaa","glean","genal","angles"
In an anagram, it has the same letters as the source word, just in a different order. So I figured I could turn the source word into a character array and compare the array of potential targets. I went through a number of experiments but finally settled on this.
$a = (($w.GetEnumerator() | sort) -join '')
In essence I've take the letters in the word, 'angle', sorted them, then rejoined into a single string, 'aegln'. If it helps, you could think of this as a type of hash. Now, I can go through each word in my potential list, perform the same type of hashing operation and compare.
$l | where {$a -eq (($_.GetEnumerator() | sort) -join '')}
If you try this you should get the expected results. But the whole point is to discover anagrams for a given word. And for that I need a big list of words.
I found one at from that has over 466K entries. I downloaded a copy to my Scripts folder. Given the size, I figured it would be easier to test my process on a subset of words.
Get-content c:\scripts\dictionary.txt | select -first 50000 | where {($a -eq (($_.GetEnumerator() | sort) -join ''))}
This gave me 3 anagrams in just under 15 seconds. Then I realized, it doesn't make any sense to compare any words from the list that don't have the same number of characters.
Get-content c:\scripts\dictionary.txt | select -first 50000 | where { ($_.length -eq $w.length) -and ($a -eq (($_.GetEnumerator() | sort) -join ''))}
That took 2.5 seconds! Let's try the whole word list.
$w = "angel" $a = ($w.getenumerator() | sort) -join "" Get-content c:\scripts\dictionary.txt | where {($_.length -eq $w.length) -AND ((($_.getenumerator() | sort) -join "") -eq $a )}
That took about 21 seconds.
By the way, I also tested with getting the word list first and then piping that to Where-Object.
$dict = Get-content c:\scripts\dictionary.txt $dict | where {($_.length -eq $w.length) -AND ((($_.getenumerator() | sort) -join "") -eq $a )}
This was not any faster. It took over 9 seconds to read in the 466K words and then almost 2 minutes to filter.
Now that I have settled on some core code, let's wrap it up in a function.
The function is a gist on my GitHub repo and defines a function called Get-Anagram. You will need a word list. I've set a default value for mine.
Usage, is pretty simple. Specify a word and a word list. My function will write a custom object to the pipeline with a property of all the anagrams. Here are a few examples of the function in action.
Yeah, I don't expect you to have an urgent business need to find an anagram for 'danger' ('ranged' in case you were curious) but you might need to process a large log file, understand filtering or get an example of how to write a function.
Or maybe you just want to have a little fun. Enjoy!
Function doesn’t work correctly… Here is example:
$w = “Glean”
$a = (($w.GetEnumerator() | sort) -join “”)
And this is the reason:
[char[]]”$a” | % {Write-host “$_ $([int][char]$_)”}
Have fun and happy scripting 😉
Yeah, I’m not taking case into account.
Word List – Scrabble Dictionary.
Randomly grab 7 tiles (real tiles, not a function).
Try to come up with as many words as you can.
Run Get-Anagram with tiles (all and in different combinations)
You now have a scrabble trainer.