I didn't get a chance to run through the WMIC examples. The Advanced VBScript book covers this topic in a little more detail. I also have a short PDF intro on WMIC you can download at http://www.jdhitsolutions.com/tutorials.htm
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Before you run any examples, you need to "install" WMIC. This basically means at a command prompt type WMIC. If you've never run it before you'll get a message saying it is getting installed and then you'll get a WMIC prompt. Type EXIT to return to a command prompt. Then you can run these examples:
wmic os get caption,csdversion
servers.txt contains a list of computer names
wmic /node:@servers.txt os get caption,csdversion
wmic process get name,workingsetsize
return information about the spooler process
wmic process where (name="spoolsv.exe") list brief
wmic process where "workingsetsize>10000000" list brief
wmic cpu list brief
wmic cpu list brief /format:textvaluelist
wmic /output:osinfo.html os list full /format:hform
Then open osinfo.html in your web browser