We just wrapped up the 2022 edition of the PowerShell+DevOps Global Summit. It was terrific to be with passionate PowerShell professionals again. The culmination of the event is the Iron Scripter Challenge. You can learn more about this year’s event and winner here. But there is more to the Iron Scripter than this event. Throughout…
Tag: Iron Scripter
Answering the PowerShell Export Challenge
Last month, the Iron Scripter Chairman put out a rather large and complex challenge. The basic premise of the challenge was to export a PowerShell session to a file, and then import it in later PowerShell session. In essence, the save the working state of your PowerShell session. This would include items such as defined…
Solving Another PowerShell Math Challenge
Last month, the Iron Scripter Chairman posted a “fun” PowerShell scripting challenge. Actually, a few math-related challenges . As with all these challenges, the techniques and concepts you use to solve the challenge are more important than the result itself. Here’s how I approached the problems. Problem #1 The first challenge was to take a…
Solving the PowerShell Conversion Challenge
Today let’s look at how I approached the first Iron Scripter PowerShell challenge of the year. The goal of the challenge was to convert or translate an object into a PowerShell class definition. If you are new to these challenges, the journey to how you achieve the goal is more valuable than the end result….
Answering the PowerShell Registered User Challenge
A few weeks ago, an Iron Scripter PowerShell challenge was issued. This was a beginner to intermediate level challenge to get and set the registered user and/or organization values. These challenges, and solutions such as mine, aren’t intended to production-ready tools. Instead, you should use them as learning vehicles to advance your PowerShell scripting skills….
Open Up Wide with PowerShell
A few weeks ago, an Iron Scripter PowerShell scripting challenge was posted. The challenge involved wide directory listings. Which always makes me think “open wide”, which leads me to “Open Up Wide” by Chase. (I used to play trumpet and Chase was THE band back in the day). Anyway, solving the challenge most likely involves…
Answering the WSMan PowerShell Challenge
Today, I thought I’d share my solution to a recent Iron Scripter challenge. I thought this was a fascinating task and one with a practical result. I’d encourage you to try your hand at the challenge and come back later to see how I tackled it. The challenge is not only a good test of…
Friday Fun: Back to School with PowerShell
For today’s fun with PowerShell, I thought I’d share my solutions for a recent Iron Scripter challenge. If you aren’t familiar with these challenges, and you should be, they are designed to test your PowerShell skills and hopefully help you learn something new. There are challenges for all skill levels and you can tackle them…
Friday Fun – A PowerShell Nonsense Challenge
Today I thought I’d share my PowerShell solution to a recent Iron Scripter challenge. The challenge was to create PowerShell code that would create nonsense documents, with a goal of creating 10 sample files filled with gibberish. Yes, other than maybe wanting some test files to work with, on its face the challenge appears pointless. …
Answering the PowerShell Word to Phone Challenge
A few weeks ago, the Iron Scripter challenge was to write code to convert a short string into its numeric valuesusing the alphabet as it is laid out on a telephone. A number of solutions have already been shared in the comments on the original post. There are certainly a number of ways to meet…

An Expanded PowerShell Scripting Inventory Tool
The other day I shared my code that I worked up to solve an Iron Scripter PowerShell challenge. One of the shortcomings was that I didn’t address a challenge to include a property that would indicate what file was using a given command. I also felt I could do better with performance in Windows PowerShell…
Building a PowerShell Inventory
A few weeks ago, a new Iron Scripter PowerShell scripting challenge was issued. For this challenge we were asked to write some PowerShell code that we could use to inventory our PowerShell script library. Here’s how I approached the problem, which by no means is the only way. Lines of Code The first part of…
Solving the PowerShell Object Age Challenge – Part 2
The other day I shared part of my solution to an Iron Scripter challenge to write a generic function to report on the age of an object. The idea being that you could pipe any type of object to the function and get a result. And because I can’t help myself, I went a bit…
Solving the PowerShell Object Age Challenge – Part 1
A few weeks ago, the Iron Scripter site posted an interesting challenge about writing a generic function to get the age of objects. Many things that we deal with in PowerShell have an “age” such as files, processes or even AD groups and users. I think this is an especially useful exercise because it forces…
Solving the PowerShell Counting Challenge
A few weeks ago, an Iron Scripter PowerShell scripting challenge was posted. As with all of these challenges, the process is more important than the end result. How you figure out a solution is how you develop as a PowerShell professional. A few people have already shared their work. Today, I thought I’d share mine….