Normally, I’d leave a post like this for a Friday Fun article. But given the situation these days, I thought some of you might like to start your week off with a little fun. And maybe even learn a little PowerShell along the way. If your family is anything like mine, you are hopefully spending…
Tag: PowerShell
PSDrives, Shortcuts and Links
I’ll be honest. I’ve never been much of a OneDrive user. Even though I’m a great candidate given that I use multiple systems and need access to a common set of files. But for a number of reasons I’m beginning to make more of a shift to OneDrive. Part of the challenge for me has…
PowerShell 7 Cross-Platform Scripting Tips and Traps
One of the reasons you want to adopt PowerShell 7 on your desktop, is that it can be used cross-platform. Theoretically, you can write a PowerShell script or function that works on Windows, Linux, and Mac. However, this is not without challenges. In some ways, it feels like we are back to the early days…
Extending External Scripts in PowerShell
I’m always looking for ways to do more with PowerShell. And often, once I find a technique, I look for other areas where I can apply it. I’m hoping that today might be like that for you. You may not have a need to duplicate my work in this article, but hopefully you’ll recognize value…
PowerShell 7 Remoting Cleanup
Now that PowerShell 7 is here and hopefully installed on your Windows 10 desktop, you’re good to go, right? I’d say you probably all set. However, if like me, you were running PowerShell 7 betas or had PowerShell Core also installed, a little housekeeping might be in order. I don’t think what I’m going to…
Fast Folder Sizes with PowerShell
I am always looking for ways to do things faster and easier with PowerShell. One common task that I never seem to stop needing is discovering how much disk space a given folder is consuming. Even though disk space is cheap these days, I guess I’m old-school enough to want to keep things lean. It…
Friday Fun PowerShell ASCII Art
Today’s post is definitely on the fun side. In fact, I apologize in advance for the afternoon you are about to blow playing with this code. Those of you of a certain age will recall dial up modems and bulletin boards. Part of the experience was visual. Board operators often displayed the name of their…
PowerShell Remoting Profiles with Windows Terminal
I have jumped in the deep end and fully committed to Windows Terminal as my default PowerShell environment. I love having one interface with tabs for different terminal profiles. Windows Terminal makes it easy for me to have tabs open to PowerShell 7, Windows PowerShell, an Ubuntu instance or even a PowerShell session with no…
A New PowerShell PSBlogWeek is Coming
If you’ve been on Twitter for a while, you may have seen a PSBlogWeek event in the past. This is an online event with a coordinated set of blog posts from a group of bloggers and community members all centered on a given topic. This idea is to share a lot of information on a…
Learn More about PowerShell and Regular Expressions
For many Windows-oriented IT Pros, and I used to be one of them, regular expressions was an arcane topic that was too hard to learn. And we never really had a compelling need to learn because we were busy clicky-clicking everything. Then came PowerShell and we discovered, or maybe rediscovered, a whole new way to…
Adding a PowerShell Profile Calendar
Some of you may be aware of my PSCalendar module which you can install from the PowerShell Gallery. The module contains commands that you can use to display a console-based calendar. The calendar commands let you specify days to highlight. These might be days with special events or appointments. I typically use the Show-Calendar command…
Better Event Logs with PowerShell
Because I don’t work in a corporate environment, I don’t always see opportunities where PowerShell can make your life better as an IT professional. I have a friend — let’s call her Gladys Kravitz. Gladys and I were chatting and she mentioned how tricky it is to pull information out of Windows event logs. If…
Creating Linked HTML with PowerShell
Today’s post is about a niche problem or something that maybe you never considered before. And while I will share a finished PowerShell function, you may want to create your own tooling based on the techniques and concepts. The problem begins with a command like this: Get-HotFix -ComputerName $env:computername | Sort-Object Description,InstalledOn -Descending | Select-Object…
Friday Fun: Taking a Shortcut Path in Your PowerShell Prompt
To kick off the new year I thought I’d take a shortcut and reclaim some wasted space in my PowerShell prompt. I know I run into this issue during classes and conferences. Perhaps you encounter it as well. You are in in the PowerShell console and have ended up in a deep directory structure so…
Friday Fun: Thank God It’s a PowerShell Friday
Well here we are at the last Friday of the year. In fact , the last Friday of the decade! On this auspicious occasion, let’s have some PowerShell fun and celebrate Friday. No matter what you call it, I’m assuming Friday is your last typical workday and something we look forward to. However, the name…