Way back before the days of PowerShell Core, or even VS Code for that matter, the PowerShell ISE was the center of my PowerShell world. I spent a lot of time finding ways to make it easier for me to use and to push it to its limits. Naturally, the PowerShell ISE doesn’t play much…
Tag: remoting
Deploy OpenSSH Server to Windows 10
PowerShell 7 offers a number of compelling reasons to adopt it. One of the best is support for SSH as a PowerShell remoting protocol. Unfortunately, this is not a topic that typically comes up for Windows-centric IT Pros. I know this is definitely true in my case, and a deficiency I have been working on….
Answering the WSMan PowerShell Challenge
Today, I thought I’d share my solution to a recent Iron Scripter challenge. I thought this was a fascinating task and one with a practical result. I’d encourage you to try your hand at the challenge and come back later to see how I tackled it. The challenge is not only a good test of…
A PowerShell Remote Function Framework
The other day I shared a PowerShell function to query the registry on remote computers to find installed versions of PowerShell. The function leveraged PowerShell remoting with the flexibility of using a computer name with an optional credential or existing PSSessions. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that the structure could…

Get Installed PowerShell Versions
As is the norm for a typical day, I was working on one thing when I was distracted by a shiny rabbit hole (to mix some metaphors). Half a day later I have a new PowerShell function that not only might you find useful, but I think it has some nice scripting features you might…
Cross Platform PowerShell Profiles with Windows Terminal
Earlier this week I shared my techniques for creating a Windows Terminal profile that would open a remote PowerShell session. But with PowerShell 7, I can also connect to non-Windows machines using SSH. So why not extend my code to allow connecting to a Linux box? Before you try anything that I’m going to share,…
PowerShell Remoting Profiles with Windows Terminal
I have jumped in the deep end and fully committed to Windows Terminal as my default PowerShell environment. I love having one interface with tabs for different terminal profiles. Windows Terminal makes it easy for me to have tabs open to PowerShell 7, Windows PowerShell, an Ubuntu instance or even a PowerShell session with no…
PowerShell Remoting Sessions and Containers
This year I’ve been ramping up my work with containers via the Docker Desktop application. When Windows Server 2016 was in preview Microsoft tried out some PowerShell cmdlets for working with containers but they never went anywhere. Essentially, the docker command line has become the defacto management tool. There are some modules in the PowerShell…
NIC 2017 Slides and Demos
Earlier this month I had the pleasure of presenting at the Nordic Infrastructure Conference (NIC). This is still a relatively young conference as these things go, but you couldn’t tell based on my experiences. Given the demise of TechEd Europe, conferences like this are filling the void, and doing a fantastic job. The conference draws…
Remote PowerShell ISE Connections in Action
I’ve written a few times about my PowerShell module that makes it easier to create remote tabs in the PowerShell ISE. The module, ISERemoteTab, is available in the PowerShell gallery. I’ve also created a short video that demonstrates how to use it, especially the WPF form. I have a few more ideas for this project…
Formal Remote ISE Connections
I have updated my PowerShell tools that make it easier to open up a remote tab in the PowerShell ISE. The standard approach is limited and doesn’t allow for things like using SSL or different ports. I have had the ISERemoteTab project up on GitHub for awhile. I recently added a WPF-based form to make…
PowerShell ISE Remote Possibilities
Normally, I think of the PowerShell ISE as a script development tool. I typically don’t think of it as a daily management tool, primarily because everything shares the same scope and if you are running scripts and aren’t careful can sometimes lead to unexpected results. But the ISE feature I really like is the ability…
The PowerShell Night Shift
A few days ago I got a question on Twitter on how to push a long running command to the background but would also survive a user logoff. This is a pretty standard practice in the Linux world. In PowerShell we’ve had similar operations using the Start-Job cmdlet. With Start-Job you can run a scriptblock…
Get Remote PowerShell Session Connections
During a recent PowerShell training class we naturally covered PowerShell remoting. During the discussion I explained that a remote PSSession is essentially transparent to any currently logged on user. Unless of course you reboot the computer! One way you can identify a remote session is by the presence of the wsmprovhost process. You should see…
Runspaces, Remoting and Workflow, Oh My!
The other day on Twitter I saw a message about new script in the Microsoft Script Center on getting remote event logs with WMI. So I took a look at the script. If you take a minute to look at the script you’ll quickly realize this is not a script for beginners. My initial thought…