There are still a few seats available for the upcoming training sessions in Las Vegas. You can select either a 2 day advanced course on VBScript, a 3 day course on PowerShell or take the full week and get the most bang for your training buck. Registration deadline is October 12, 2007. The classes are…
Category: PowerShell
User Group Outreach
Did you know that SAPIEN Technologies has a user group outreach program? SAPIEN can provide your user group with information (including product trials) on SAPIEN PrimalScript, LIVE! and Class-On-Disc training, and much more, for user groups who work with VBScript or Windows PowerShell. SAPIEN can provide your group’s members with training and product discounts…
VBScript Training in Las Vegas
I will be doing a live 2 day VBScript class this fall in Las Vegas (Oct. 22 and 23). I’ll be covering ADSI, WMI, HTAs, WSF and more. This is a class for experienced VBScripters who want to take it to the next level. This is a hands on class with with labs and one…
I’m very pleased to announce that I am now a Microsoft MVP in the Windows Server Admin Framework category, or in other words, PowerShell. I look forward to continuing to contribute to the PowerShell community, and anywhere else I can. Thanks to everyone who supported and mentored me over the years. I wouldn’t be an…
PowerShell Mini-Conference
If you’ve got some free time in early November and want to get up to speed on PowerShell in the least amount of time, then come to Las Vegas. Don Jones (PoweShell MVP) and I will be running a 2 day PowerShell mini-conference. This will be an intense 2 days of hands-on PowerShell training. Bring…
Online Script Library Resources
If you’re like me, you prefer not to re-invent the wheel when working on a scripting solution. You’d prefer to find a script written by someone else that accomplishes the same task(s). You might be tempted to jump immediately to Google or Yahoo. Before you do, let me give you some other online resources you…
Download Techmentor Orlando 2007 Updated Material
Don Jones and I have finally gotten zip files with all the updated session material from the Techmentor Orlando 2007 conference. There is a zip file for each of us at I know in my zip file there are several readme files so make sure you look at them. I’ve included the video demos…
Powershell: TFM in 2nd printing
I’ve recently found out that SAPIEN Press is just about ready to go to a second printing of Microsoft Windows PowerShell: TFM. It has been very popular and in demand, which is always gratifying as an author. I know a number of copies were sold at the recent Techmentor conference in Orlando where Don and…
The SAPIEN Technologies Story
I always like reading about the “back story” in movies. You know, the stuff that happened before the movie started or stuff that helps fill out the story. Companies and people can also have a back story. Maybe I’ll reveal some of mine someday. In the mean time, I came across SAPIEN Technologies back story…
SAPIEN Scripting Makeover Contest
In case you missed it, or perhaps you’ve let it slide, you really need to take a look at the Scripting Makeover contest that SAPIEN Technologies is running. The contest winner gets over $20,000 in automation related products and services. Essentially, you submit your company or organization (there are some rules) and provide some adminisitrative…
More with Process and Service uptime
Like most things scripting, there’s usually more than one way to do things. I thought I had a nice solution for getting service uptime via WMI. But alas, there is an even easier way. PowerShell has a ConvertToDateTime method which will convert a WMI time to a standard date time format. $p=ps winlogon$p=get-wmiobject -query “Select…
Updated PowerShell Help Utility
SAPIEN Technologies has released a new version of their free PowerShellHelp tool. This tool gets all the help information from your PowerShell installation and presents it in a nice GUI that now looks like Office 2007. The screen shot doesn’t really do it justice, but you get the idea. Not only will you get alias…
More with Service Uptime
I knew I wasn’t totally satisfied with my recent attempt at listing service uptime. I knew there was a more elegant solution and here it is: $s=Get-WmiObject -query “Select name,processId,state from Win32_service where state=’running'”foreach ($item in $s) {$p=(Get-Process | Where {$ -eq $item.ProcessID}).StartTime$u=(get-date).Subtract($p)Write-Host $item.Name `t $u.Days day $u.hours hours $u.minutes minutes and $u.seconds seconds} It…
PowerShell Process Uptime
Not too long ago, I wrote an MCPMag Tip Sheet column on using the pipeline in PowerShell. I showed how you could get the start time of a specified service: $svcname=Read-Host “Enter a service name” ; get-process | where {$ -eq (get-wmiobject win32_service | where {$ -eq $svcname}).ProcessID} | select -property StartTime We can take…
More Fun with Get-Content
A few followups on my recent post about Get-Content. First, you can also use the CAT alias if you’re used to the Unix world, or TYPE in place of get-content. The Get-Content cmdlet does have a parameter called -totalcount that will return the specified number of lines from the beginning of the file: cat c:\boot.ini…