On my last Friday Fun, I posted an article about using Internet Explorer as a trace window. The idea was to put debug or trace messages in a separate application. I received a comment on the post that suggested I could do a similar thing using the Debug View utility from Sysinternals. This application is used to capture debug messages so I thought I'd give it a try.
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After you download it, you will run to manually run it once to accept licensing terms and setup a filter. I'm assuming you don't regularly use this program for anything else. Depending on your computer you may not need a filter but it is the best way to work with my Debug-Message function.
#requires -version 2.0 <# Requires dbgview.exe from Sysinternals to be in your path or modify the function. You should set up a filter in dbview.exe before using this to filter on the Category. #> Function Debug-Message { [cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=$True,HelpMessage="Enter a message")] [string]$Message, [string]$Category="PS Trace" ) #only run if $TraceEnabled is True if ($script:TraceEnabled) { #test if dbgview.exe is already running and start it if not. if (-NOT (Get-Process -Name Dbgview -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { Try { #start with /f to skip filter confirmation prompt Start-Process G:\Sysinternals\Dbgview.exe /f #give the application to start Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 } Catch { Write-Warning "Failed to find or start dbgview.exe" Return } } #if dbgview is not running #display the message in dbgview.exe [System.Diagnostics.Debug]::WriteLine($Message,$Category) } #if $TraceEnabled } #close Debug-Message Set-Alias -Name Trace -Value Debug-Message
The essence of this function is the [System.Diagnostics.Debug]::WriteLine($Message,$Category) line. The Category will show up as a prefix to the message in the Debug View window. I set a filter in Debug View on that category, ie PS Trace*. This function, like my IE trace function, relies on a variable $TraceEnabled to be set to $True. If the dbgview.exe process isn't running, the function starts it. I have hardcoded the path to dbgview.exe which you'll need to adjust. The easiest approach is to drop dbgview.exe into your Windows folder or modify your %PATH% variable to include your Sysinternals folder.
Using the function is no different than my IE version. In fact, in my demo script all I needed to do was change which script gets dot-sourced.
# !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # dot source the Trace function #. C:\scripts\Trace.ps1 . C:\scripts\Debug-Message.ps1 # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #> if ($Trace) { #set the variable to turn tracing on $script:TraceEnabled = $True }
I added a "Trace" alias to my new Debug View function so don't have to change anything else. When I run my script using the -Trace parameter, I get a handy trace window like this.
What's handy about this utility is that it is easy to save the results to a file. I also don't have to deal with messy COM objects. If you don't setup the filter ahead of time you may have a hard time finding the trace messages from your script. But that's your choice.
What do you think?